Dialogs Types
Frappe provides a group of standard dialogs that are very useful while coding.
Alert Dialog
Alert Dialog is used for showing non-obstructive messages.
It has 2 parameters:
The message to be shown in the
Alert Dialog
The duration that the message will be displayed. The default is
3 seconds
show_alert('Hi, do you have a new message', 5);
Prompt Dialog
Prompt Dialog is used for collecting data from users.
It has 4 parameters:
- fields: a list with the fields objects
- callback: a function to process the data in the dialog
- title: the title of the dialog
- primary_label: the label of the primary button
frappe.prompt([ {'fieldname': 'birth', 'fieldtype': 'Date', 'label': 'Birth Date', 'reqd': 1} ], function(values){ show_alert(values, 5); }, 'Age verification', 'Subscribe me' )
Confirm Dialog
Confirm Dialog is used to get a confirmation from the user before executing an action.
It has 3 arguments:
- mesage: The message to display in the dialog
- onyes: The callback on positive confirmation
- oncancel: The callback on negative confirmation
frappe.confirm( 'Are you sure to leave this page?', function(){ window.close(); }, function(){ show_alert('Thanks for continue here!') } )
Message Print
Message Print is used for showing information to users.
It has 2 arguments:
- message: The message to display. It can be a HTML string
- title: The title of the dialog
msgprint(" Server Status " + "
" + "" + "* 28% Memory " + "* 12% Processor " + "* 0.3% Disk " + " ", 'Server Info')
Custom Dialog
You can extend and build your own custom dialogs using
var d = new frappe.ui.Dialog({ 'fields': [ {'fieldname': 'ht', 'fieldtype': 'HTML'}, {'fieldname': 'today', 'fieldtype': 'Date', 'default': frappe.datetime.nowdate()} ], primary_action: function(){ d.hide(); show_alert(d.get_values()); } }); d.fields_dict.ht.$wrapper.html('Hello World'); d.show();