Static Assets

A guide to understanding how static assets are served in Frappe Framework.

The assets folder

Static files are served from the frappe-bench/sites/assets folder. When you set up frappe for production deployment, nginx serves this folder directly. All static file URLs always start with /assets . A file at the location frappe-bench/sites/assets/hero.png is accessible publicly via the URL /assets/hero.png .

The public folder

Every app has its own public folder which can be used to serve static assets. This folder is symlinked to frappe-bench/sites/assets/[appname] . Here is the output of tree command on the assets folder.

$ tree sites/assets -L 1
├── erpnext -> ~/frappe-bench/apps/erpnext/erpnext/public
└── frappe -> ~/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/public

This means if there is file at [appname]/public/images/favicon.png , then it also exists as a symlink at assets/[appname]/images/favicon.png and is accessible publicly via the URL /assets/[appname]/images/favicon.png .

Bundled Assets

Bundled Assets are generated at assets/[appname]/dist/js and assets/[appname]/dist/css . Hence, they are accessible via the URL /assets/[appname]/dist/js/main.bundle.[hash].js .

Site Assets

In addition to static files provided by apps, each site can have its own static files that might come from user uploads or site backups.

User uploads

Files uploaded by user that are public are stored at frappe-bench/sites/[sitename]/public/files . A file stored at frappe-bench/sites/[sitename]/public/files/profile.png is accessible publicly via the URL /files/profile.png

Files uploaded by user that are private are stored at frappe-bench/sites/[sitename]/private/files . A file stored at frappe-bench/sites/[sitename]/private/files/profile.png is accessible via the URL /private/files/profile.png . Private files are accessible only when the user is authorized to view them.


Any local backups that are generated for the site are stored as frappe-bench/sites/[sitename]/private/backups/20210502_182223-[sitename]-database.sql.gz . It is accessible via the URL /backups/20210502_182223-[sitename]-database.sql.gz and only when the user is authorized to download them.

Here is the output of the ls command:

$ ls -l sites/site1.test/private/backups
total 6160
-rw-r--r--  1 farisansari  staff  2429268 May  2 18:22 20210502_182223-site1_test-database.sql.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 farisansari  staff      278 May  2 18:22 20210502_182223-site1_test-site_config_backup.json

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