Change plan

Server Plan

You can change your server plan to resize the server. Application and Database server plans can be changed independently.

Note: Changing plan will result in a minor (~5 minutes) downtime on the server.

Go to the Server Overview tab and find the Plan card. Click on Change button.

Choose new plan. Click on Change plan.

AWS Instance types

For all regions other than KSA, we currently use AWS VMs for dedicated servers. The instances seen in the above plan correspond to c6i , m6i and r6i machines as seen here

In general, the CPU:Memory ratio vary across these instances:

c6i: These are Compute optimized instances where CPU:Memory ratio is 1:2

m6i: These machines have CPU:Memory ratio of 1:4 (General Purpose)

r6i: These have CPU:Memory ratio of 1:8 (Memory optimized)

Storage Add-on Plan

You can increase the storage of your server without upgrading your server's plan through Storage Add-ons. To buy Storage Add-on

  1. Go to the Server Overview and click on the + button beside storage

  2. Select the amount of storage you want to buy and click on confirm

Note: You can't reduce/revert the storage you've bought for your server


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